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A fragrance can seduce, bring forth beautiful memories or make you daydream about a faraway place. You can choose from our wide selection of perfumes inspired by dreams. All our fragrances are developed in France in order to ensure quality, innovative and performance.

We believe beauty is not only products, but also inspiration and growth. This is where we share facts, tips and how to’s to boost your confidence and help you stay on top of trends.

Beauty inspired by real life.

Because we’re from Sweden we have different view on beauty. For us, it’s not only how you look, but how you live, feel and act. It’s a way of life: to be healthy, enjoy beautiful skin, express yourself and have fun.

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The Standards We Live by

Since the very beginning, we have always considered nature to be an important part of how we do things and have built our reputation upon offering people safe, reliable products that respect our environment. Our commitment to develop beauty products you can believe in and trust is defined by our product standards.